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Services - Cache

CrudServices can store single results in a cache.

By default, a basic in-memory (RAM) cache is used.


You can provide your own distributed cache, as long as it implements the CrudCache interface.

export interface CrudCache {
    get: (key: string) => Promise<any>;
    set: (key: string, value: any, ttl: number) => Promise<any>;

You can provide it globally through the CrudConfigService.

let myCache: CrudCache = ...

export class MyConfigService extends CrudConfigService {
    constructor(/* ... */) {
        super({ cacheManager: myCache , /* ... */})

Or you can provide it to a specific service.

let myCache: CrudCache = ...

export class UserService extends CrudUserService<User> {
        constructor(/* ... */) {
        super( /* ... */, { cacheManager: myCache })


CrudUserService has several methods that access the cache.


$findOneCached tries to retrieve the result from the cache using id_field + CrudOptions? as a key. If no result is found, $findOne is called and the result is stored in cache.


$setCached inserts a given entity into the CrudCache.


When $findOneCached is called through the client, found results are not stored in the cache to prevent users from maliciously filling it. You can disable that behavior with allowClientCacheFilling.

cacheOptions.allowClientCacheFilling = true;
In that case, make sure your cache has a maximum and an eviction strategy in place.


During authentication, the user is fetched with CrudUserService->$findOneCached.


The CrudCache of CrudUserService has a great impact on your application performance since users are fetched in every authenticated request.


export class CacheOptions {
    TTL = 60 * 12 * 1000; // 12 minutes
    allowClientCacheFilling = false;
import { CacheOptions } from '@eicrud/core/config';

const cacheOptions = new CacheOptions();

export class ProfileService extends CrudService<Profile> {
        constructor(/* ... */) {
        super( /* ... */, { cacheOptions })
