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Recipes - Search command

If you need to perform complex queries, read operations may not suffice.

You can create a search command to use the full potential of your Database / ORM.


Start by generating a new cmd using the CLI.

eicrud generate cmd profile search

Let's change the DTO to accept a string to be used as a regex:

export class SearchDto {
  @$Transform((v: string) => v.replace(/[.*+?^$}{)(|[\]\\]/g, '\\$&'))
  userNameLike: string;

  visibility?: 'public' | 'private';

export type SearchReturnDto = any;


We escape userNameLike of any regex character to avoid potential regex attacks (ReDoS).

Then, let's allow guests to use the search command in the security:
const getCmdSecurity = (search, profile): CmdSecurity => { 
    return {
        dto: SearchDto,
        rolesRights: {
            guest: {
                async defineCMDAbility(can, cannot, ctx) {
                    // Define abilities for guest
                    can(search, profile);
Alternatively, you can use the guestCanUseAll parameter for better performance.
const getCmdSecurity = (search, profile): CmdSecurity => { 
    return {
        dto: SearchDto,
        rolesRights: {},
        guestCanUseAll: true


We can now implement the command action, to make things simpler we use the CrudService->$find method.

We're using a simple regex to search on the username field, but you can use any of MikroOrm's operators like $and & $or.

export async function search(this: ProfileService, dto: SearchDto, ctx: CrudContext, inheritance?: any ){
    const query: Partial<Profile> = {
      userName: new RegExp(dto.userNameLike, 'i') as any,

    if (dto.visibility) {
      query.visibility = dto.visibility as any;

    const fakeCtx: CrudContext = {
      data: null,
      origin: 'crud',
      method: 'GET',

    await this.crudAuthorization.authorize(fakeCtx,;

    const opParams = ctx.queryOptions ? {options: ctx.queryOptions} : undefined; 
    return this.$find(query, fakeCtx, opParams);


The call to service.crudAuthorization.authorize allows us to use the CRUD security for read operations. Anything forbidden for $find will be forbidden in our search cmd as well.
guest: {
    async defineCRUDAbility(can, cannot, ctx) {
        can('read', profile, { visibility: 'public'});


Since search returns the result of $find, it behaves as a limited command.

In our front-end, we call it with CrudClient->cmdL to benefit from the limit and offset options.

const searchDto: SearchDto = {
    userNameLike: 'doe',
    visibility: 'public',
const options: ICrudOptions = {
    limit: 5,
const { data, total, limit } = await profileClient.cmdL(
// results : [{ userName: "Michael Doe", ... }, { userName: "Jon Doe", ...}]


If no limit is specified, the client will perform multiple requests until total profiles have been fetched. The maximum limit that can be used is set in the CmdSecurity.


Since search is a read-only command, you can enable allowGetMethod in the CmdSecurity. This allows for searching using a simple url: /crud/s/profile/cmd/search?query={"userNameLike":"doe"}"
