
Eicrud provides various ways to control traffic to your application.

export class WatchTrafficOptions{
  maxTrackedUsers: number = 10000;
  maxTrackedIPs: number = 10000;
  userRequestsThreshold: number = 350;
  ipRequestsThreshold: number = 700;
  totalTimeoutThreshold: number = 5;
  timeoutDurationMinutes: number = 15;
  useForwardedIp: boolean = false;
  ddosProtection: boolean = false;
  userTrafficProtection: boolean = true;

  userTrafficCache: TrafficCache = null;
  ipTrafficCache: TrafficCache = null;
  ipTimeoutCache: TrafficCache = null;
import { WatchTrafficOptions } from '@eicrud/core/authentication'

const watchTrafficOptions = new WatchTrafficOptions();

export class MyConfigService extends CrudConfigService {
    constructor(/* ... */) {
        super({ watchTrafficOptions, /* ... */})

Watch user traffic

Activate with userTrafficProtection (defaults to true).

Limit user traffic to userRequestsThreshold request every 5 min. Exceeding that limit will trigger an incident (onHighTrafficEvent).


Traffic incidents lower the user's trust score.

After totalTimeoutThreshold incidents, the user will be timed out for timeoutDurationMinutes * user.timeoutCount on each consecutive incident.

If you want a specific user to bypass these limits, you can set CrudRole->allowedTrafficMultiplier to x (is allowed the traffic of x users).

maxTrackedUsers indicates how many users your application will track in its RAM cache (users with lower traffic are deleted first).

DDOS Protection

Activate with ddosProtection (defaults to false).

After exceeding ipRequestsThreshold requests in 5 minutes, IP will be timed out for timeoutDurationMinutes.

maxTrackedIPs indicates how many IPs your application will track in its RAM cache (IPs with lower traffic are deleted first).

useForwardedIp indicates if the value from the x-forwarded-for header should be used instead of the request IP.


If your application is behind a reverse proxy or a load balancer, all incoming requests will have the same IP address. To avoid any issues make sure to set the x-forwarded-for header in your proxy and to use the useForwardedIp option.


Some internet provider may group their client under common IPs, leading to false positives. You should consider other DDOS protection services as your application grows. This protection is rudimentary and only suitable for low-traffic applications.

Distributed Cache

Tracked users and IPs are cached on RAM by default. You can use a distributed cache of your choice by setting userTrafficCache, ipTrafficCache and ipTimeoutCache.

The caches must implement the TrafficCache interface.

export interface TrafficCache {
  get: (key: string) => Promise<any>;
  set: (key: string, value: any) => Promise<any>;
  inc: (key: string, increment: number, currentValue: number) => Promise<any>;

userTrafficCache and ipTrafficCache must clear themselves every 5 min.


If your application's entry consists of multiple instances, caching in RAM will make traffic protections ineffective. Consider using a distributed cache to make it work.