Configuration - Authentication
Eicrud handles the authentication of users in a global NestJS guard.
export class AuthenticationOptions {
saltRounds = 11;
saltRoundsAdmin = 14;
verificationEmailTimeoutHours = 6;
twoFaEmailTimeoutMinutes = 15;
passwordResetEmailTimeoutHours = 6;
passwordMaxLength = 64;
userFieldsInJwtPayload = ['rvkd'];
fieldsThatResetRevokedCount = ['password', 'email'];
username_field = 'email';
renewJwt = false;
minTimeBetweenLoginAttempsMs: number = 600;
maxJwtexpiresInSec = 60*60*24*30; //30 days
extractUserOnRoutes: string[] = [];
resetTokenLength: number = 17;
Options are passed to the CrudConfigService.
import { AuthenticationOptions } from '@eicrud/core/authentication';
const authenticationOptions = new AuthenticationOptions();
export class MyConfigService extends CrudConfigService {
constructor(/* ... */) {
super({ authenticationOptions, /* ... */})
Custom routes
By default, Eicrud doesn't check the authentication on non /crud
routes. You can specify extractUserOnRoutes
to change that behavior.
import { CrudContext } from "@eicrud/core/crud";
import { Context } from "@eicrud/core/authentication";
import { Get, Query } from '@nestjs/common';
// ...
async get(@Query() query, @Context() ctx: CrudContext) {
const user = ctx.user;
When calling your route, the JWT token must be present in the request headers (as a Cookie or in the authorization header).
If your JWT is stored in an httpOnly
cookie, the eicrud-csrf
cookie (obtained during authentication) must be provided. You must provide it as a cookie and as a custom header of the same name to satisfy the Double-submit Cookie Pattern,
Basic Auth
As an alternative to JWTs, you can use basic authentication to authorize your API requests.
Basic authentication is slightly less performant than using JWTs. Consider this if you need to perform multiple requests.
Username login
You can authenticate with usernames instead of emails for additional security.
First, add a username
field to your User entity.
in your AuthenticationOptions
import { AuthenticationOptions } from '@eicrud/core/authentication';
const authenticationOptions = new AuthenticationOptions();
authenticationOptions.username_field = 'username';
// ...
const dto: ICreateAccountDto = {
email: '',
password: 'p4ssw0rd',
username: 'jondoe62',
role: 'user',
const { userId } = await userClient.cmdS('create_account', dto);
const dto: ILoginDto = {
email: 'jondoe62',
password: 'p4ssw0rd',
await userClient.login(dto);